Homer’s Heroes

Homer’s Heroeshomersheroeslogo

The Homer’s Heroes division is for boys and girls with physical or intellectual disabilities, ages 5 to 17 as of June 7, 2025.  In 2024, nearly 100 players participated in the program.  Six weeks of games are played starting the first Saturday of June.  Volunteer “Buddies” encourage and assist each player during the game.  One game is played at Haymarket Park with the Lincoln Saltdogs players.  Shirts and awards are furnished through donations to the program.  Caps, field rental and equipment are sponsored annually by the Junior Saltdogs League.

There is no registration fee to play in Homer’s Heroes. The 2025 flyer with game dates and more details is linked here.  All registrations are submitted using the online system – click here to register.  Register by May 1st to be guaranteed a shirt.  Late registrations will be accepted until June 1st with shirts while supplies last.  If you have any trouble with the online registration, please contact Deb at jslregistrations@jrsaltdogs.com or at 402/430-0390.  If you have questions about the Homer’s Heroes division, please email homersheroesbaseball@gmail.com.