Lincoln Youth Baseball Organization (dba as Junior Saltdogs League)
Junior Saltdogs is a summer youth baseball program. We have 7 divisions…U6 tball, U8 machine pitch, and player pitch for U10, U12, U14, and U17, as well as our Homer’s Heroes division for kids with physical or intellectual disabilities.
We have 80+ teams each season, and there are no tryouts. JSL commissioners form the teams based on the preferences that each player lists on their registration form for a specific coach, friend, or school. While we can’t guarantee specific team placement, we do our very best to honor listed preferences while at the same time balancing player numbers between all the teams in each division. Please check the FAQ page for answers to many questions.
2025 Season
- U6-U14 divisions: Registration for our 2025 season is closed, and we won’t be accepting additional players. If you would like to be added to our database to receive 2026 registration information when it goes out in early January, please email Deb at with your best email address, home mailing address, and player’s name.
- U17 (high school) division only: Go to the U17 page for the second registration period just for U17.
- Homer’s Heroes division: Go to the Homer’s Heroes page for the online registration link. Register by May 1st to guarantee a shirt. June 1st is the final registration deadline.
U6-U14 Divisions… Now is the hard part – patiently waiting while the JSL Board works as quickly as possible to do the team sort, select all head coaches, do the game schedule, assign sponsors, and all the other details so we can get our season up and running. We appreciate your patience. Head coaches will be notified by division commissioners in early April – if you have any questions about head coaching status prior to that, use the the commission email links that are on each division page. The game schedules won’t be final and released until later in April (when they’re ready, they will be posted on each division page).
U6-U14 GAME SCHEDULES … Will be final and released in late April. We know everyone is anxious to get dates on their calendar. Be watching each division page of our website as they’ll be posted there as soon as they’re final.
QUESTIONS: Most questions can be answered by referring to our FAQ page. If not, please email Deb at
KNOW YOUR ROLE: Players will play, coaches will coach, umpires will umpire, and parents will parent. Jr Saltdogs has a “zero tolerance” policy for everyone involved in our program. We ask that every parent, coach, and player in our program read the flyer about this on our website (posted in box in top right corner and on the Coach Information page) as well as read the Code of Conduct page. Please help us to have a positive season!
JSL BASEBALL RULES: Are posted on Rules-Reference Materials page at left.
AREA BASEBALL EVENTS: Watch the Rules-Reference Materials page – as we become aware of area baseball events that might interest Jr Saltdogs players, we will post them there.
NO REFUNDS: The JSL has a “no refunds” policy so before registering your child, please be sure their plans are final. If you plan to list a coach or friend request, please be in touch with them to confirm their plans before registering your child.